Computer and Software Engineer - Master’s in Systems and Computing
Email: | Tel: +55 21 98011-5005
Team of the Information Technology Division at IME. Highly qualified personnel.
What do we do there?
1) Development and maintenance of software systems, especially web systems
2) Database management
3) Complete management of the data center (physical infrastructure with servers and storage)
4) Management of the computer network (routers, firewalls, and wireless access points)
5) User support
6) Various other IT activities
Descrição detalhada do projeto de desenvolvimento de rádio definido por software. Este projeto envolveu a implementação de tecnologias avançadas para comunicação sem fio, permitindo configurações dinâmicas e adaptativas do rádio.
The project aims to contribute to interoperability in radio communications of the three Armed Forces of Brazil through R&D of radio prototypes, analog and digital waveforms, source and channel coding, development of adaptive transmission techniques, implementation of the SCA (Software Communication Architecture), real-time operating system, development of cryptographic algorithms, georeferencing, and SCA Waveform development tool. The project has a budget of 100 million reais, will involve partnerships with companies and universities, and includes the R&D of various versions of radio prototypes in its scope.